2024-2025 Coaches List

LPC Coaches: 2024-2025 Season

House League Coaches:

U8: Spencer Enns spencerenns@gmail.com

U9: Jay Ferguson  jay.r.ferguson@gmail.com 

U11: Ryan MacDermid ryanmacdermid@gmail.com 

U11: Ryan Enrgiht 

U11: Tim Anderson coach_tim74@yahoo.ca 

U13: Mitchel Delage mitchdelage@hotmail.com 

U13: Bobby Raposo  rvraposo1@gmail.com 

U15: Andrew Ferguson Thepoolguy905@hotmail.ca 

U15: Jay Cassan jaycassan@gmail.com 

U16: Peter Dunwoody pdunwoody1@hotmail.com 

U18: Costas Kyprianou costask007@gmail.com 


Red Coaches:

U12: Ryan Enright lpcwild2013@hotmail.com 

U14: Shawn Sandink ssandink@siteone.com 

U15: Scott Vance svance@kpmg.ca 

U16: Alfie Barrack abarrack13@gmail.com 

U18: Justin Creally justin.creally@gmail.com 


Gold/A Coaches:

U8: Mike Canavan Mike@canavanrealestategroup.ca 

U9: Matthew Hontscharuk Matthew.Hontscharuk@bmo.com 

U10A: Marshall Blue marshall.blue@rbc.com 

U13A: Chris Cornell ccornell@kpmg.ca

U14A: Sumit Saha ssahaca@yahoo.ca 

U14A: Jeff Thurston jeff.thurston77@outlook.com 

U15A: Mike Crumpton lpcwild2010@gmail.com 

U16A: Dave Degrassi dave.degrassi@gmail.com 

U17A: Derek Mori dmori@cpus.ca 


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